Wednesday, January 27, 2010

5 weeks to go

The countdown to the half marathon is ticking and training is supposed to be ramping up but I have found myself plagued with a few aches this week. I went out on Monday morning for a 7km run with my training buddy and good friend Shellton. Felt a bit stiff and sore after the plyometric stuff on Sunday but managed to toddle round OK. Tuesday I did a leisurely 10km before work while listening to the latest fitcast podcast. Interestingly enough they did a section on marathon work for weight loss...I haven't seen any benefits in that area yet and they seem to think that there are better ways of losing weight (which i would agree with). However the training I am doing is more about my personal goals of completing the half and moving towards the full marathon distance. I do need to discuss weight loss with the gym though as I have plateaued in that area and would like to see some improvement especially round the abdominal area

Took a rest day on Wednesday. I was so sore on Tuesday night that Wifey gave me a calf massage. Having trouble with my right calf which seems to get really sore and was very tender to touch. Might have to invest in some deep heat or something of the like to help with these aches and pains.

Felt better this morning for having had the rest day so Shellton and I headed out for a 10km run at 5:30am this morning. Was a beautiful morning to be out running. There had been a lot of rain last night and it was fresh and cool with an awesome misty sunrise over the Hunua ranges...great day for running.

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