Friday, March 19, 2010

Saturday Sprints

Today was spent doing the family thing, was nice to spend time with wifey and the kids and was a beautiful autumn day (see the view from my lounge window at 10am...awesome). Went out and got a few things we needed for a wedding coming up soon. As I had a rest day on running yesterday I was feeling pretty fresh so Mr 6 and I went to the local track to see if I could better my 400mtr sprint times from February...and ...the track was closed.
So we decided to head to the local school instead where I did sprints on the rugby field. Did 10 x high knee sprints the length of the field only resting to walk back. Followed this with 2 sets of 25 x box jumps and 5 x pull ups. Was a nice quick 20 minute work out and was enough time for Mr 6 to tell me (after the first sprint), that he thought he might be a bit tired for running today so would go play huh?

Was nice to do something different than 10+ km runs although my hip flexors are feeling it now. Will be back into the long run tomorrow and will have to remember to keep doing some sprint and plyometric work to mix things up a bit

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